
Avoid on-call disaster with Shiftshark, the only app built specifically for developmental services agencies to save your team time, stress, and budget.

Oh no!

Someone called in sick! Fire up Shiftshark, which connects to your schedule, and select the shift that needs filling.

Scour the sea

Shiftshark instantly generates a list of eligible team members for the shift based on availability and sorts it according to your agency’s rules.

Send the signal

Once you’ve decided who to contact, Shiftshark sends out an automated call or text offering the shift as available. No binders, no hassles – no mutinies!

And you're done!

Grab some salmon and monitor your team’s responses in real time! When you’re ready, choose who gets the shift, and Shiftshark will automatically update your schedule and notify everyone involved!


We’d love to chat about how Shiftshark can save your agency time, stress, and budget. Just leave your info and we’ll be in touch shortly. We won’t pollute your inbox with any garbage, promise.


Thanks for dropping us an anchor! We'll be in touch soon and look forward to chatting about how Shiftshark can help your agency. Happy swimming!

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